
Showing posts from February, 2024


  Chapter 1:  Basics J2SE-Java Standard Edition(Core Java)(Console application) J2EE- Java Enterprise Edition(Advanced Java)(Enterprise level application-Company level application) EJB-Enterprise Java Beans(Server-side component for java platform) It enables rapid and simplified the development. server side  ( program run on server machine) web server(  Apache  T omcat, Jetty) Hibernate(ORM-Object Relational Mapping tool) It provides framework for object oriented model to relational database. Spring Framework  (Modern java based enterprise application on any kind of deployment  platform) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2:  Introduction Spring Boot: Easy to create stand- alone, production   grade, Spring  based application that you can "just Run". Opiniated view of the Spring platform Configuration: * JAR file: Java Archive  fi...